Fixing of meaning
eg the copy text anchors (ie fixes to one spot) the meaning
of an image (for instance, a single rose, that could be used for an ad for
anything from a dating agency to a funeral home) in a print advertisement
Antagonist-The character whose function in
a plot is to oppose the protagonist. In straightforward hero's journey plots
(most action adventures), the antagonist can be referred to as the villain.
However, in character drama, the antagonist might not be a "bad"
character, just someone who stands between the protagonist and his/her goals.
universal type or model of character that is found in many different texts,
e.g. ingenue, anti-hero, wise old woman, hero-as-lover, hero-as-warrior, shadow
trickster, mentor, loyal friend, temptress
recipients of a media text, or the people who are intended to read or watch or
play or listen to it. A great deal of media studies work is concerned with the
effects a text may have on an audience.
over the content of a media text. Different media forms have different forms of
censorship - sometimes from a government, but mainly from a regulatory agency,
eg the British Board of Film Classification
Generated Imagery. Refers to the (usually) 3-D effects that enhance all kinds
of still and moving images, from text effects, to digital snow or fire, to the
generation of entire landscapes.
Code-A system of
signs which can be decoded to create meaning. In media texts, we look at a
range of different signs that can be loosely grouped into the following:•technical
codes - all to do with the way a text is technically constructed - camera
angles, framing, typography etc•verbal codes - everything to do with language
-either written or spoken •symbolic codes - codes that can be decoded on a
mainly connotational level - all the things which draw upon our experience and
understanding of other media texts, our cultural frame of reference.
widely recognised way of doing something - this has to do with content, style
and the conventions of music
video.•they are the same length as the song (somewhere around 4 minutes,
say).•they present the band, who look as though they are singing•they have lots
of fast edits
Convergence-The way in which technologies and institutions come
together in order to create something new. Cinema is the result of the
convergence of photography, moving pictures (the kinetoscope, zoetrope etc),
and sound. The iPad represents the convergence of books, TV, maps, the internet
and the mobile phone.
characteristics of a population sample, e.g. age, gender, race, nationality,
income, disability, education.
Editorial-In a
newspaper, Editorial refers to the opinion pieces (sometimes known as 'leading
articles') written by senior reporters. Editorial in a magazine refers to the
feature content that reflects the ethos of the publication
an old-fashioned term to describe the way in which certain key personnel (news
editors, newspaper owners mainly) have control over the information that is
presented to audiences, and the way in which it is presented (the angle)
Genre-A way of
categorising a media text according to its form, style and content. This
categorisation is useful for producers (who can utilise a genre's conventions)
and audiences (who can utilise their expectations of the genre) alike
by which different cultures worldwide have come to share the same media texts
e.g. movies and pop music.
Ideology-This is
a complex concept - in its basic form it is a set of ideas or beliefs which are
held to be acceptable by the creators of a media text. For example, a text
might be described as having a feminist ideology, meaning it promotes the idea
that women are the equal of men and should not be discriminated against on the
grounds of gender.
formal organization (with its own set of rules and behaviours) that creates and
distributes media texts
influence that media texts have on each other. Sometimes this is the result of
direct cross-references (e.g. music mash ups) or indirect (the way gossip news
items regulate the way we view a star's performance)
word or phrase made up to describe a new trend, idea or gadget e.g. hopium,
important issue in media studies - and a constantly changing one. Who produces
and distributes the media texts we read?
Preferred Reading-The
meaning of a text which the producers intended. The opposite of 'preferred
reading' is 'aberrant reading', such as when people deliberately interpret a
text (the Bible is the source of a lot of mixed messages) to further their
political agenda rather than the author's original intent
Realism-The techniques by which a media text represents ideas
and images that are held to have a true relationship with the actual world
around us. Realism means different things in different texts - realism in
animation (eg the movement of single hairs in computer animation) means
something entirely different to realism in soap opera (eg the depiction of
people eating breakfast and talking with their mouths full). it is important to
assess how much a text strives for realism, how much audiences are expected to
think it is realistic.
way in which the media "re-presents" the world around us in the form
of signs and codes for audiences to read.
an institution (the Press, Advertising) appoints a group of individuals whose
job is to deal with complaints about that institution
Signs &
Signification-Sign - a symbol which is understood to refer to something other
than itself. This may be very simple - think of a "No Entry" road
sign. it may get more complicated when reading media texts, where a sign might
be the bright red coat that a character is wearing (which signals that they are
Signification -
the process of reading signs (see denotation and connotation)
Star-A person who
has become so famous, both for doing their job (actor, sport player) and
appearing in many sorts of media, that their image is instantly recognisable as
a sign, with a whole range of meanings or significations eg - David Beckham's
image represents a whole raft of meanings: England, football, wealth, Posh,
success, fashion victim, expertise, sexuality etc...Britney Spears is also a
star but her image signifies physical fitness, blonde (+associated
stereotypical characteristics), singing, dancing, sexuality, fashion etc...A
star's image becomes a readily recognised sign that is used in many different
media forms - think of where you have seen pictures of Britney and Becks. Stars
can use the fact that their image has meaning by allowing it to be used for
advertising purposes.
Stereotype-Stereotypes are negative (usually) representations of
people that rely on preconceived ideas about the group that person is perceived
as belonging to. It is assumed that an individual shares personal characteristics
with other members of that group eg blondes are all stupid, accountants are all
boring. Although using stereotypes saves a lot of explanation within a text, it
can be a very lazy method of characterisation. Stereotypes may be considered
dangerous, as they encourage audiences to think large groups of people are all
the same, and often have the same negative characteristics.
Selling Point or Proposition. The attribute of a text or product that is
highlighted as being new or unique in the marketing process, something that
sets it apart from its competitors
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